Sigma Xi Refund Policy

Refund Policy - Effective 1/1/06

  1. All requests for refunds or cancellations will be reviewed and processed by the Budget & Finance Department. (800-243-6534)

  2. Sigma Xi will refund Membership/American Scientist Subscriptions Orders based on the number of remaining issues within the membership/subscription period.

  3. Refunds for American Scientist Subscription Orders placed through an Agency will be refunded directly to the Agency.

  4. Refunds for Merchandise Orders and Publication Orders (other than American Scientist) will be issued in the form of a credit towards the next purchase. No cash refund will be issued.

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
Attn: Finance Department
P.O. Box 13975
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
919-549-4691 or 800-243-6534
Fax: 919-549-0090