Linda K. Meadows

LMeadowsImmediate Past President
Vice President, Research Foundation
Assistant Vice President for Research

Dr. Meadows received her doctorate degree from The Ohio State University, where her research was focused on cognition and the problem-solving strategies of young children. In particular she was interested in the concepts underlying video game logic and its programming. Dr. Meadows was also drawn to policy making in the research arena and traveled frequently to Washington, D.C., to participate in federal agency forums. As her experiences widened to include private sector for-profit and not-for-profit research funding, she established a career in research administration.

Dr. Meadows was vice president of the university's Research Foundation, which administers nearly one billion dollars in research funds. She led research development and management initiatives, overseeing systems implementation, regulatory compliance and the creation of a variety of models to provide resources to researchers at both the proposal and award stage. She was a team leader on many technology transfer projects and contributed substantially to the evolvement of industry/research models.

Dr. Meadows also served as Assistant Vice President for Research, with responsibility for undergraduate research recognition, research communications and the interdisciplinary centers that reported centrally (Mapping, Cognitive Science, Byrd Polar and Materials). She also supported the interdisciplinary research grants program and the small grants program, along with the Graduate Research Forum, the Undergraduate Research Forum, State Science Fair, Science Olympiad and Ohio Women in Science projects.

During her tenure she was elected to chair the Midwest Region of the National Council of University Research Administrators and headed a Federal Demonstration Project, sponsored by the National Academies, to develop just-in-time proposals for federal funding. She maintained a strong presence in Washington, D.C., especially at the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, where she joined advisory committee meetings and met frequently with program managers. She developed expertise in private foundation funding and guided many proposals to success.