Stanley A. White

Stanley White Present Position

Retired from the intersection of aerospace and electrical engineering

Chapter Affiliation

Orange County

Background Information



During my postwar years in industry, before I returned to graduate school, I was always impressed by the resumes of authors of landmark papers in my field and by the fact that nearly all were members of Sigma Xi and/or RESA. The significance of the Societies was clear; also the fact that the Societies and the members conferred honor and distinction upon one another. The Societies meant something significant.

When my Research Advisor, Prof. John Egan Gibson, spoke to me of my being invited to join Sigma Xi, I and my research were applauded by the chapter membership when presented. The significance of the honor left me shaken but grateful. I stated my willingness to serve the society, and have always stood by that. Today is no exception.

I was inducted a full member into the Purdue University Chapter of Sigma Xi in May, 1965, and into the Autonetics Branch of RESA, nominated by giants of aerospace, 9 months later. Subsequently, I’ve served as a Branch, Club and Chapter officer for 34 of those 52 years, revitalized a club, established a club, founded a chapter, nominated a Proctor Prize recipient, nominated a President of our Society, served on national committees, been a national meeting delegate a dozen times, completed an unexpired term for another SW Region Associate Director and am President of an independent Chapter that has enjoyed a vigorous unbroken existence for 30 years without support of any institution or organization. And now I look forward to the opportunity to serve as SW Region Associate Director.

Stanley A. White, Ph.D., President
Sigma Xi Chapter 296 (Orange County)