Welcome to Keyed In, the blog of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. This will be the go-to place for Sigma Xi members and others to learn about what’s happening in the science and engineering industry. We will share thoughts and perspectives related to Sigma Xi’s mission, including ideas that deal with the health of the research enterprise, integrity in science and engineering, and public understanding of science, as they contribute to improving the human condition. We will give updates about the remarkable work conducted by Sigma Xi chapters, which are spread across the globe. We will report on trends in research and anticipate where the industry is going. And, we will offer advice to young scientists and engineers. Our ultimate goal is to provide useful information that will lead to a more connected and more effective research community.
Over time, we expect this single blog to expand into multiple specialized blogs that address more defined topics. We look forward to that period of growth. For now, we will regularly publish posts on a variety of topics that we hope you will find to be interesting.
This blog will be a team effort, written by Sigma Xi members, staff, and others who volunteer to bring this information to you. Some of the blog posts will be based on conversations happening in Sigma Xi’s online Member Communities. We expect Keyed In to provide an opportunity to engage a broader audience and invite additional feedback on these matters. We will treat this as a conversation among friends and colleagues, so please leave a comment or send us a message via social media (Twitter, Facebook).
We will monitor the conversations surrounding the blog posts and we will remove comments and block commenters who use profane, obscene, abusive or otherwise inappropriate language. Our community guidelines will reflect those of our American Scientist blogs.
Content provided by non-staff authors will be treated according to Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivs license. Posts by Sigma Xi staff are protected under Sigma Xi copyright, but may be shared under the same attribution-required-no-derivatives conditions as the Creative Commons license.
The opinions expressed in Keyed In blog posts are those of the author(s). Blog posts do not reflect Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society’s policy, endorsement, or action, and Sigma Xi does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog. However, we reserve the right to disqualify or reject a blog submission under our editorial discretion.
If you’re interested in writing for this blog or would like for us to address a specific topic, please send a message to us at keyedin “at” sigmaxi “dot” org.
Now, let’s get the conversations started!
Photo: This blog is named after Sigma Xi's key, an iconic symbol of the Society.
Jamie Vernon is Sigma Xi's director of science communications and publications. He is also editor-in-chief of the Society's magazine, American Scientist.