Help Choose the Future Leaders of Sigma Xi

by Jason Papagan | May 11, 2021


The following is a guest post written by Carlo Segre, director of the North Central Region of Sigma Xi:

Serving Sigma Xi as the director of the North Central Region has been very rewarding and has provided me the opportunity to contribute to the continuing health and vitality of the Society. While I had previously served as president of the Illinois Tech chapter, the opportunity to view the Society from a different perspective has given me new ideas that I will bring back to our chapter to make it better than ever. It has been a great experience and I hope to continue working with the Sigma Xi staff in the future whenever I can be of help.
The board needs new directors with new points of view and you can make a difference by standing for nomination. I would heartily recommend all Sigma Xi members to stand for directorship positions and nominate fellow members for candidacy. Serving on the board provides opportunities to broaden perspectives, shape future endeavors, and give back to the Society. Self-nominations are welcomed. Please follow the links below to learn more and submit nominations.

Carlo Segre, Ph.D.
Director, North Central Region

• Nominations should be sent to
• Visit the open positions page for the November 2021 Election to view duties and responsibilities for each.
• Active, full members of Sigma Xi are eligible for office. An inactive member may become active at any time through payment of current dues.

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