Welcome to Keyed In, the blog of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society. This will be the go-to place for Sigma Xi members and others to learn about what’s happening in the science and engineering industry. We will share thoughts and perspectives related to Sigma Xi’s mission, including ideas that deal with the health of the research enterprise, integrity in science and engineering, and public understanding of science, as they contribute to improving the human condition. We will give updates about the remarkable work conducted by Sigma Xi chapters, which are spread across the globe. We will report on trends in research and anticipate where the industry is going. And, we will offer advice to young scientists and engineers. Our ultimate goal is to provide useful information that will lead to a more connected and more effective research community.

  • Sigma Xi Speaks: March 2017

    by User Not Found | Mar 22, 2017
    Sigma Xi Executive Director and CEO John C. Nemeth shares how Sigma Xi is celebrating women in science and shares three books featuring female scientists.
  • Why Sigma Xi Needed to Participate in Women’s History Month

    by User Not Found | May 15, 2015
    “Sigma Xi supports women in STEM”—that was the tagline you saw, placed beneath quotes from six Sigma Xi female members, on the Society’s social media accounts in March. Why did the Society need to participate in Women’s History Month?

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