Becoming a Member

Featured in the video are Sigma Xi members Albert Einstein, Gerty Cori, Linus Pauling, Julian Lewis, Rita Levi Montalcini, and Sally Ride. 

Since its founding in 1886, induction into Sigma Xi has been a milestone in hundreds of thousands of distinguished research science and engineering careers. 

About Sigma Xi Membership

  • Membership in Sigma Xi is by invitation (nomination).
  • Sigma Xi membership requires nomination by two Sigma Xi members.
  • Sigma Xi membership is not linked to the possession of any specific education degree.
  • Sigma Xi membership is not contingent upon belonging to some other organization.
  • Students and non-students follow the same review process for Sigma Xi membership.
  • Neither Sigma Xi, nor any chapter of Sigma Xi, shall discriminate against candidates for election to membership on the basis of race, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation or disability.

Membership Categories and Qualifications

  • Full Membership.  An individual who has shown noteworthy achievement as an original investigator in a field of pure or applied science is eligible for election to Full Membership.
    • This noteworthy achievement must be evidenced by publication as the primary author (defined in the manner appropriate to the discipline) on at least two different articles published in a refereed journal, patents, or refereed monographs.
    • Dissertations and theses alone are not considered sufficient for demonstration of this achievement and must be accompanied by at least two other publications.
  • Associate Membership.  An individual who has conducted independent investigation and written a report concerning their research is eligible for election to Associate Membership.
    • This initial research achievement can be in a field of pure or applied science.
    • Associate members may or may not qualify for promotion to Full Membership later, based on qualifications.
  • Promotion to Full Membership.  Associate Members may be promoted to Full Membership once they satisfy the Full Membership qualifications.
    • Promotion review will follow the same procedure as the initial nomination.

    For additional details on Sigma Xi membership, click here to access the Clarification Policy.

How Do I Become a Sigma Xi Member?

  • Through the Committee on Qualifications on Membership (CQM).  If you wish to self-nominate for membership or have one Sigma Xi nominator, you can request that the Sigma Xi Committee on Qualifications on Membership review your application for membership.
  • Through a local Sigma Xi Chapter.  If a Sigma Xi chapter is located in your local area, you can request that Chapter’s officers review your Sigma Xi nomination.
    • Click here to find a local Sigma Xi chapter.
    • Click here to fill out the online the nomination form.  This form can be completed by you as the nominee or by your local Sigma Xi Chapter officer.
      If you are a nominee, you will be emailed a copy of the completed form.  Please forward the completed form to your chapter officer.
    • Questions?  Email

NOTE:  Please only submit your nomination once - either through CQM or local chapter.  If you submit your nomination in both places, you will impede the processing of your membership. 

New Member Dues Rates

Click here to view the Sigma Xi new member dues rates.

Sigma Xi Affiliate Circle

Sigma Xi chapters and individuals are encouraged to nominate students who don't qualify for associate membership to the Sigma Xi Affiliate Circle as a first step in their professional careers. The Affiliate Circle is also open to anyone who supports research and Sigma Xi's mission. Learn more about the Affiliate Circle.

Member Spotlight

Darko Cotoras

PhD Student at the University of California, Berkeley

Chile native Darko Cotoras (SX 2011) is fascinated by natural history, evolution, and biodiversity. For his PhD in integrative biology, he is studying how spiders in Hawaii and other places have diversified over time.