Sigma Xi Science Cafés
Sigma Xi partnered with WGBH to lead a revolution in
communicating science in the U.S. This revolution takes place in cafés, bars, bookstores, libraries, museums and theaters. Science Cafés help the public connect with science. Scientists and engineers informally share their research during a conversational exchange in a friendly setting. Through working with key partners, encouraging members to participate and supporting its chapters, Sigma Xi continues to be at the forefront of promoting and supporting Science Cafés around the country.
WGBH Partnership

WGBH, in association with Sigma Xi, launched a comprehensive Web site at This site was created with the help and input of many Science Café organizers, following the first national conference of Science Café organizers held at the Sigma Xi Center in 2006. At this Web site, Café organizers will find resources and ideas to help in all aspects of planning and promoting these events—from publicizing and supporting them, to choosing topics, speakers and venues. Free resources include an interactive map of Science Café sites around the country and short clips presented in the PBS television series NOVA scienceNOW, produced by WGBH.
Those wishing to start hosting Science Cafés can refer to the Science Cafe Kit.
Sigma Xi Resources
Sigma Xi chapters are a great source of speakers for science cafés. The Society's network of more than 500 diverse chapters extends across North America and beyond. Our chapters are networks of members—researchers from the entire span of scientific and engineering disciplines.
For Sigma Xi Members
Sigma Xi members have exclusive access to our Science Café Guide, a booklet that introduces the science café concept and gets you started organizing your own café series. It includes tips on finding venues, speakers, and community partners; advice for moderators; sample timelines for planning and holding a science café; and much more.
Visit the Member's Only Section (requires login) to access this information.
Other Speaker Resources
Sigma Xi's Distinguished Lecturers are ideal speakers for your Science Café. These outstanding individuals at the leading edge of science are especially good at communicating with the general public. Distinguished Lecturers are selected for their experience in shaping presentations to convey their insights and excitement to particular audiences. Visit the Distinguished Lectureships page for information and a list of speakers.
You can also contact us for more information.