Member-Get-A-Member Program

Sigma Xi members have the opportunity to earn a free year of membership by recommending five qualified new members.

How it works

  1. Select five or more fellow scientists and engineers whom you'd like to recognize and have nominated to the honor of Sigma Xi membership. Nominees might be friends, colleagues, students, or other researchers who meet the requirements for membership.

  2. To nominate a new member through the Member-Get-A-Member program, complete the nomination form found here and enter your name in the "Recommended by" field  at the bottom of the page. In order to receive credit for recommending individuals through this program, the "Recommended by" field must be filled in on the form at time of submission.

  3. Submit the completed nomination form via email along with the CV of the nominee.  

Member-Get-A-Member Program Rules

  • Sigma Xi's Member-Get-A-Member program is open to all Sigma Xi members

  • While the recommender may be one of the two nominators needed to complete the nomination form, it is not required  that the recommender also be a nominator

  • It is not necessary for nominees to derive from the same area, institution, or chapter as the recommender

  • Only one Sigma Xi member can receive credit for recommending each new member, meaning only one nominator on the form may also be listed as recommender

  • All five new members must be approved, processed, and paid during the same fiscal year (July 1–June 30) in order to count toward the Member-get-a-Member program and in order for a recommender to receive a free year of membership

  • A free year of membership will be credited to the recommender for the next fiscal year (July 1–June 30) once membership for all five new member applications have been processed and paid in full. If the recommender has already paid dues for the next fiscal year, credit will be given for the following fiscal year. Recommenders receive notification of the free year of membership via e-mail.

  • Each member who participates in the program may receive only one free year of membership, even if they recommend more than five nominees during one fiscal year

  • All recommendations will be verified by Sigma Xi staff.

Still have questions? Please feel free to contact us via email or by calling us at (800) 243-6534.

Important Note to Chapter Officers

The goal of the Member-Get-A-Member program is to continually broaden, diversify, and expand the Sigma Xi membership community and encourage all members to actively participate in the nomination process of qualified candidates. Identifying and nominating potential new members are both considered established roles for chapter officers in order to fulfill leadership responsibilities. For this reason, chapter officers are not eligible to participate in the Member-Get-A-Member program as this is considered a conflict of interests.

Member Spotlight

Semant Jain

Principal Engineer for Goodman Manufacturing

A native of India and a graduate of the extremely competitive Indian Institute of Technology, Jain completed his Ph.D. in engineering at the University of Michigan, with a focus on fuel cell research.