Northeastern Sigma Xi Members Gather at Western Connecticut State University

by User Not Found | May 28, 2015

This post was written by Theodora Pinou.

On April 18, approximately 300 guests from more than 22 Sigma Xi chapters came together for the 2015 Sigma Xi Northeastern Regional Research Conference at Western Connecticut State University. The meeting was held to celebrate interdisciplinary scholarship.

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Photo: Participants sign in to the Northeastern Regional Research Conference April 18 at Western Connecticut State University.  

Three keynote speakers—Dr. Kavita Ramanan of Brown University, Dr. Adam Williams of The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, and Dr. Kent Holsinger of University of Connecticut—reinforced the importance of mathematics and computer science in scientific reasoning. 

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Photo: Dr. Kavita Ramanan, a professor of applied mathematics at Brown University, gave a keynote address on the power of randomness. 

Researchers of more than 100 investigative projects in math, science, and engineering—and their students—shared ideas and insight that promoted science and the spirit of mentorship. Awards were given for student research posters. 

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Photo: The College of Mount Saint Vincent sent students and faculty to the Sigma Xi Northeastern Regional Research Conference. Valerie Khayyo, who is holding her award, earned second place in the physical sciences category.

This regional meeting unified stakeholders from community colleges, undergraduate programs, graduate schools, and industry. The meeting highlighted the importance of the American Journal of Undergraduate Research, edited by Dr. Kestas Bendinskas, and emphasized the journal’s role in promoting the next generation of researchers. 

The Western Connecticut State University Sigma Xi Chapter honored two Sigma Xi members. Dr. Bendinskas was honored for founding the Northeastern Regional Meeting and coordinating seven of these meetings. Dr. Howard Russock, professor emeritus in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at Western Connecticut State University, was honored for his 40 years of service to Sigma Xi. 

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Photo: Dr. Howard Russock, on right in back, was honored during the regional meeting for his 40 years of service to Sigma Xi and his continuous support for the Western Connecticut State University Chapter.

The Institute on Science for Global Policy was represented at the meeting. Sigma Xi partnered with this institute in April to help put on two conferences so that credible scientific information could be part of the creation of effective policies. 

The 2015 Northeastern Regional Research Conference was an opportunity for local scientists to come together and discuss their work. Thank you to all who attended!  

Theodora Pinou is president of the Western Connecticut State University Sigma Xi Chapter and was the planning committee chair for this year’s Northeastern Regional Research Conference. She is a professor of biology at Western Connecticut State University. 

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