By now we are aware of the dangers of the Zika virus, which the World Health Organization has classified as a public health emergency of international concern. When we face emerging health threats like this, it’s important that Sigma Xi members be the voice of clear and credible research to our family, friends, and communities. Below are reliable sources that I hope you will share with those around you to help them learn accurate information about Zika, and to act appropriately.
I also urge you to subscribe to Sigma Xi SmartBrief as a resource. If you are a Twitter user, look for Dr. Peter J. Hotez (@peterhotez) for really salient and up to the moment updates and background information. Dr. Hotez is in the process of being inducted into Sigma Xi.
Kids Science Reading Corner
For this month’s Kids Science Reading Corner, I’ll start with some history. On September 27, 1905, the journal Annalen der Physik received Albert Einstein’s paper “Does the Inertia of a Body Depend upon Its Energy Content?” This work introduced the formula E = mc2 to the scientific community. The anniversary offers a great opportunity to introduce this visionary formula—and the scientist who envisioned it—to young readers.
High schoolers (and grown-ups) may want to check out Einstein, an illustrated biography by Corinne Maier, with artwork by Anne Simon, which gives us a nuanced look at the physicist’s life and work. Albert Einstein and Relativity for Kids: His Life and Ideas with 21 Activities and Thought Experiments, by Jerome Pohlen, is a great read for kids 9 and up. And even very young readers can learn about Einstein and his discoveries, thanks to the terrific On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein, written by Jennifer Berne and illustrated by Vladimir Radunsky. Berne and Radunsky show Einstein as an imaginative kid who follows his curiosity, growing up to become a great scientist who finds answers to questions many had thought unanswerable. This book is all about the spirit of inquiry, where it can lead, and the fulfillment it brings. What better way to kick off a new school year?
John C. Nemeth, PhD
Sigma Xi Executive Director and CEO, Publisher of American Scientist
Sigma Xi Speaks is a monthly series of articles containing information to share. Find past articles on Sigma Xi's blog, Keyed In.