October Madness: Raffle Announcement

by User Not Found | Oct 11, 2016

HeatherThorstensenThanks for following along with the second year of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society’s Nobel Prize prediction contest, October Madness. After collecting public nominations and holding four weeks of voting, we made our collective best guess of who would win this year’s research-related Nobel Prizes.

Affiliate Circle logoWhile the October Madness picks for the Nobel Prize in Physics matched the Thomson Reuters predictions, the 2016 Nobel Prize winners in chemistry, physics, or physiology or medicine did not match our predictions this year. The same thing goes for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences. Unfortunately, that means none of this year’s October Madness nominators win the prizes of a free year of Sigma Xi membership dues (for existing members) or a free year in the Sigma Xi Affiliate Circle.

Even so, we hope you had as much fun as we did. Look for October Madness again next year here on Sigma Xi’s blog, Keyed In, and on Sigma Xi's social media with #OctoberMadness!

A Look Back at October Madness

Announcement of Champions

The Finals

Final 4

Elite 8

Sweet 16

Call for Nominations

Heather Thorstensen is the manager of communications for Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society.

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