James F. Baur
Science Solutions Inc.
For exceptional dedication to the accomplishment of the missions of Sigma Xi and the vitality of both its chapters and the society as a whole
"Sigma Xi is my organization of choice for science activism and comradery. Remarkable interactions with diverse members in multidisciplinary settings have been personally expanding and extremely pleasurable. I still remember, as a physicist, discussing and learning over an informal beer about...
...secrets revealed from core drilling in ancient lake beds,
.. the amounts of unavoidable insect parts in processed cereal permitted by USDA regulations.
Oh, what lively discourses those were!"
Upon a foundation of BS, MS, PhD degrees, all in physics, and intense experiences, Dr. Baur enjoyed a professional career in four phases.
U.S. Army: Airborne, Ranger, commanding officer, and staff officer in combat engineer units; chief of the advanced physics course for academically proficient cadets as faculty at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point.
Lesson: leadership and management skills dramatically affect organizational success.
Fusion Energy: Dr. Baur conducted fusion energy research on three tokamaks at General Atomics for 15 years; collaborative research at U.S. and international laboratories; national design team for two future U.S. tokamaks.
Lesson: physics is fun and international collaborations are synergistic and enjoyable.
Science International Entrepreneurship: Dr. Baur created and managed Science Solutions Inc. for 30 years; femtosecond lasers, laser wavelength meters, and oceanographic research management were features; he owned and operated the Khovd Gol tungsten mine in the Altai mountains of western Mongolia for 12 years.
Lesson: intersecting with diverse cultures expands personal awareness and human appreciations.
Science Organizational Activism: Dr. Baur was an officer and active in several organizations, most of them physics oriented; Sigma Xi was his emphasis; he has attended 33 Sigma Xi Annual Meetings, served on numerous Society committees, including as chair of the International Committee for seven years, and was elected and served as a director and as president of the Society.
Lesson: the members, officers, and staff of Sigma Xi are resourceful and serve the global science and engineering community well.
Conclusion: Collaborative research embracing diverse cultures and disciplines, over a succession of life phases, produces excellent research results and personal growth and fulfillment.