November 10, 2014

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society recognized 24 high school, undergraduate, and graduate students November 8 for their Superior research poster presentations in the Society's 2014 International Research Conference.
More than 100 students participated in the conference November 7-9 at the Renaissance Glendale Hotel in Glendale, Arizona. Members of Sigma Xi, the honor society for scientists and engineers, judged presentations. During the conference, students met and talked with Sigma Xi members, graduate school recruiters, and potential employers. They attended sessions on grant writing, science communication, and critical issues on water and food, and were welcome to hear presentations by Sigma Xi's award winners.
Students selected peers for the Student Choice Awards, sponsored by the Sigma Xi District of Columbia Chapter. Sarah Stringer of Rockford University won the first Student Choice Award. The second award went to Taylor Gambon of Clemson University. They will receive a monetary award.
Students who participated in the International Research Conference will receive a certificate. Students with presentations rated as Good or better will be invited to join Sigma Xi as associate members.
Students with Superior presentations have been nominated for membership by the Sigma Xi Board of Directors and the Board will pay their initiation fee and first year's dues.
Sigma Xi President George Atkinson awarded medals to the Superior presenters and commended them for providing a positive look into the future Sigma Xi membership.
"The future looks very good," he said.
See research abstracts from the 2014 International Research Conference.
The following students received Superior ratings in Sigma Xi's 2014 International Research Conference:
High School Division Awards
Natural and Social Sciences
Karthik Raju - Mira Loma High School
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Thorsen Wehr - Odessa High School
Undergraduate Division Awards
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Camden MacDowell - Emory University
Bryan Nelson - New York University
Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Physiology and Immunology
Steven Romanelli - Fordham University
Erin Feeney - Oakland University
Michelle Oberoi - University of California, Irvine
Eden Barragan - University of California, Irvine
Nicholas Farrar - The Ohio State University
Christina Owens - University of California, Irvine
Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Charis Royal - Arizona State University
Claudia Mazur - Mount Holyoke College
Taylor Gambon - Clemson University
Iwnetim Abate - Minnesota State University Moorhead
Math and Computer Sciences
Katherine Marszalkowski - East Carolina University
Physics and Astronomy
Carl Fields - Arizona State University
Todd Hodges - Arizona State University
Graduate Division Awards
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Avery Russell - University of Arizona
Cell Biology – Biochemistry – Physiology
Manindra Singh - Ohio University
Suntara Fueangfung - Michigan Technological University
Ecology, Environmental and Geosciences
Adrienne Godschalx - Portland State University
Patricio Becerra - University of Arizona
Engineering, Math and Computer Sciences
Bich Nguyen - Mercer University
Physics and Astronomy
Amanpreet Kaur - Clemson University