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Astro/Neuro/Art Exhibit Opens October 13 in San Francisco

September 30, 2019

As Above As Below

Media Contacts
Manresa Gallery, (415) 422-5901,
Esther MallouhCurator/Producer, (415) 699-6800,

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society, The San Francisco Bay Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, Manresa Gallery and Keen on Art, announce the exhibit As Above As Below: cosmic and brain webs, a cross-fertilization of the arts and the sciences.

As Above As Below is an Astro/Neuro/Art exhibit that aims to cultivate, optimize, and sustain dialogue between artistic and scientific inquiry through collaborative exchanges. The pursuit of new connections, explorations, and artistic presentations at the nexus of the arts and the sciences is at its heart.

Nine Bay Area artists worked hand-in-hand with seven renowned astrophysicists and six neuroscientists to explore parallels between galactic and neuronal networks. Their unique visions will be showcased through six multi-media and interactive exhibits.

By experiencing art through a scientific perspective, the As Above As Below audience will be immersed in the fascinating worlds of art and images created by artists and scientists who are pushing the boundaries between art and science through the exploration of new inquiries into the micro and macro worlds.

The sense of wonder towards such inquiries and into what considerations they may reveal fascinates both the participating scientists and artists. 

As Above As Below is a manifestation of their collective revelations.

“I created this exhibit to honor the creative process, and to keep science and the arts in an equal balance of wonder and fluid interchange, just as they were in the time of Leonardo De Vinci,” said Esther Mallouh the curator and producer of the exhibit.

Exhibit Details

October 13 through December 15, 2019
Manresa Gallery, St. Ignatius Church
650 Parker Ave, San Francisco

Opening Details

Opening/Reception, Sunday, October 13, 12:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Panel discussion with collaborators, 12:30–1:30 p.m. moderated by Jamie Vernon, CEO, Sigma Xi

Music, "Alien Wisdom," by Nancy Abrams
Performance: 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Stacy Yi, Piano
Michael Graham, Cello

Opening Tickets


October 12, 10:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Dark Matter: Cosmic Origami Workshop
Presented by: Mark Neyrinck, Astrophysicist
FR110 - Maier Room
University of San Francisco, Fromm Hall
2497 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco

Curator Talk 

November 10, 10:45 to 11:45 a.m.
Xavier Auditorium
University of San Francisco, Fromm Hall
2497 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco



Collaborate 1
Astrophysicist: David Weinberg*, Department Chair for Astronomy, Ohio State University
Neuroscientist: Dan Feldman*, Professor of Neurobiology, University of California, Berkeley
Artists: James Morgan*, Thea Kinyon Boodhoo*, Cory Bloyd, Yagiz Mungan

Collaborate 2
Astrophysicist: Joel Primack*, Distinguished Professor of Physics, Univeristy of California, Santa Cruz
Neuroscientist: Olaf Sporns**, Provost Professor Computational Neuroscience, Investigator, Human Connectome Project, Indiana University
Artist: Forest Stearns*

Collaborate 3
Astrophysicist: Jeffrey Kruk, Research Astrophysicst, NASA
Neuroscienist: Tamira Elul, Associate Professor of Neuroscience, Turo University
Artist: Yoon Chung Han

Collaborate 4
Astrophysicists: Mark Neyrinck*, Ikerbasqye Fellow at University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain; Miguel A. Aragon-Calvo, Computational Cosmologist, Univesidad Nacional Autonomade Mexico
Neuroscientist: Michael Silver*, professor of Vision Science, Optometry and Neuroscience, University of California, Berkeley
Artists: Anastasia Victor*; Trevor Owens

Collaborate 5
Astrophysicist: Benedikt Diemer, Einstein Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Neuroscientist: Natalie Zahr, Program Director, Translational Imaging, Center for Health Sciences, SRI International
Artist: Purin Phanichphant

Collaborate 6
Astrophysicist: Bridget Falck, Research Scientist in Astrophysics, John Hopkins University
Neuroscientist: Sarah Banducci, President, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter Neuroscience Society
Artist: Miguel Novelo

* panel member
** panel member participating through teleconference