Edward O. Wilson

1997 William Procter Prize for Scientificwilson Achievement

Edward O. Wilson is Pellegrino University Professor of science and curator in entomology of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. Considered the father of sociobiology, he is widely regarded as one of the most outstanding research biologists in the world today. The father of sociobiology, he also is an international authority on the classification and behavior of ants and has described some 300 species. His many contributions to our understanding of the biological world include several books published by Harvard: On Human Nature, which won the Pulitzer Prize; Sociobiology, The Insect Societies and Biophilia. He is co-author (with Bert Holldobler) of the Pulitzer Prize-winningThe Ants. His recent book, The Diversity of Life, voices major concerns over the loss of species, and places Wilson in yet another leadership role in defending endangered species. His many scientific awards include the National Medal of Science, the International Prize for Biology from the Government of Japan and the Crafoord Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.